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Window air conditioner. 6000 BTUs cooling capacity. EER 10.7. Covers 250 sq. ft. Automatic restart. Remote control. Includes window mounting kit. White. Size 12.3” x 16.3” x 15.8”.
ProCom 12 In. x 4 In. x 2 In. Vent-Free Heater Base (2-Pack)
Wall Heater Blower For Blue Flame & Infrared Vent Free Wall Heaters
Ultra Allergen Pleated Furnace Filter, Purple, 18 x 30 x 1-In.
True Blue 14 In. x 14 In. x 1 In. Basic Protection MERV 7 Furnace Filter
True Blue 12 In. x 30 In. x 1 In. Basic Protection MERV 7 Furnace Filter